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You ever been scared?
Fear serves a purpose, it can actually be beneficial.
It is beneficial to be scared of falling off the side of that building…
So we don’t go near the edge.
It is beneficial to be scared of that car hitting us…
So we stop and wait for the traffic signal.
Yep…it can be beneficial…
But it can also be stifling and keep us from the glory God intends to do through us…
Today, the word is “courage.”
As Mark Twain said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.”
Fear will raise its head every time you attempt to do something for the kingdom.
Fear will attempt to stop you from doing what Go has called you to do.
Somebody asked, “Will I ever get over the fear of standing in the pulpit?”
Probably you will find better ways to cope with the fear.
When you look at the task of standing in the pulpit to have the audacity to say “Thus saith the Lord…”
I understand your fear…
But the key is to not let the fear stop you…
I find that the fear is strongest right before I stand up there…
But as soon as I begin…the fear dissipates…
My sisters and brothers…
Fear is understandable when you think about what we have to do…
If God before us who can be against us…
Fear will come…
But The Bible Says, though I make my bed in hell, thou art with me…
The enemy will try to separate you from the source of your power…
But God…
I ain’t gonna give you no tricks to overcome the fear…
I ain’t got none…
All I can say is do it…
Don’t let the enemy win…
You just do it…
And I bet you…As you are doing it…
The fear will leave you…
Keep on Preaching my Sisters and Brothers,
Brother Sherman
P.S. To get the Four waves of Bible Exegesis White Paper Click Here –
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