I am by no means an expert on whooping, but I noticed that there is little information available on the web so I decided to write up a few posts ont he subject.
Category: Whooping
Why You Must Celebrate Hard Work
There were smiles all around. Excitement and anticipation had turned to gratitude and love. We smiled as the new born simply looked up and barely moved. The whole family was overjoyed as…
Celebration: Can We Overdo It?
To begin with, I want to assert that celebration is a good thing, but can too much of a good thing become a bad thing?
Increase in Sermon Intensity not Yelling
In my post discussing Jasper William’s Whooping System, I wrote about the whooping Curve. This is an increase in intensity that subsides slightly as you enter the whoop and then grows again to the final climax.
Don’t Close Your Sermon Like That
The congregation leaves with your sermon close on their mind. In fact, when people ask members about the sermon, they often can only bring to mind that very last part. A while…
Something to Say or Say Anything
Lowell Erdahl, in the book Best Advice for Preaching, quotes someone who said: “There are two kinds of preachers–those who have to say something and those who have something to say!” A…
What Is an Appeal
I have not totally defined the appeal which has caused some confusion. I should have known better in that this website has many different preachers from many different traditions. So during this…
When It Ain’t Time To Whoop!!!
The question comes up every few months. A reader will read a couple of articles I have written on “whooping” and will either ask “Do you have to whoop?” Or will begin…
When Celebration Goes Bad
One of the problems that often rears it’s head in African American worship is when celebration is abused. Martha Simmons referred to this dynamic among some whoopers as the “dark side of Whooping.” This is when the power of whooping is used to mask a preacher who has not done his or her work to provide a solid presentation.
Call and Response in the Whooping Celebrative Sermon Close
Last night while listening to sermons on youtube and other places, I found a preacher who was “whooping.” As we know, the whoop is one type of sermonic close used by some preachers in the African American preaching tradition. The preacher was summarizing and celebrating the truth of the message.
Becoming the Chief Celebrant in the Sermon
Celebration is an important component of preaching. This is the part of the sermon where the preacher raises up the truth of the sermon to be experienced by the people. There are many ways to do this tactically, but my study of sermons show that a very common technique is for the preacher to “celebrate the sermon.”
Preacher Should Show Enthusiasm
Jasper Williams Whooping System
Can one learn to whoop? Is there a system to help anybody whoop? Rev. Jasper Williams answers this question with an unequivocal yes. He states that anyone who has been called to preach has been given by God the ability to whoop.
Steps to Learning to Whoop
Many people contact me wanting a step by step method to learn to whoop, here is the outline of a method.