I enjoy contacts with our diverse SoulPreaching.Com readers. Sometimes I hear the deep booming baritone that no doubt is a great gift for preaching. Some readers have family connections. Some are imposing…
Preaching The Coming Kingdom
I don’t have a big problem when people disagree with me. That will happen from time to time. Actually, disagreements help me immensely. I learn a lot from disagreements. No, it is…
Can The Internet Replace Church?
I was reading a discussion the other day on social media. The discussion was between a number of church members. One vocal member described that she gets much more out of “going…
Is Your Preaching One Sided?
Warren Stewart, in Interpreting God’s Word in Black Preaching, writes: He or she who interprets and preaches the Word must identify with the Word in such a way that the Word will…
Is All Church Growth Good?
Medical Doctor Phillip Mills writes about the infatuation many have with some popular church growth approaches. Certainly we can question whether it is God’s intention that every church turn into a Mega…
What Is The Laity Going To Do?
There was a time when all Christians were supposed to pray. remember that the prayer of a righteous one avails much. (James 5:16) We were told that we need to pray for…
I Don’t See Them, But I Got Them
I got Shoes, You Got Shoes, All God’s Children Got Shoes, When I get To Heaven, Gonna Put on My Shoes, Gonna Walk, All Over God’s Heaven Only the barest of necessities were given to…
Bible Versions Question
Do you think we should use the King James version when we preach? Or does it really matter if we use something like the NIV? That question comes very often. Here is…
God’s Gonna Show Up – Wade In The Water
Wade In The Water, Wade In The Water, Children, Wade In The Water, God’s Gonna Trouble The Water We are in a world that seems so unpredictable. Our weather experts seem to…
God’s Promise To Make Things New
All of our lives are constantly shifting, shuffling, and reorganizing. You ever do do something that was just wrong and messed up? And then find yourself dealing with the pains and hurts…
How I Got Over – When You Don’t Have To Know
“How I got over…My soul look back and wonder how I got over.” What I love about this song is that it glories in “not knowing.” I don’t know how I got…
Don’t Close Your Sermon Like That
The congregation leaves with your sermon close on their mind. In fact, when people ask members about the sermon, they often can only bring to mind that very last part. A while…
Seminary, Respect For The Ministry Of Others
Pastor Brady Williams wrote a very interesting response to a previous article titled “Should We Go To Seminary.” He wrote in part: …There is a problem I have seen for a long…
Why You Need A Sermon Title
From time to time individuals question whether a sermon title is even needed. One person told me that all you need is just the text. This individual thinks that you should just…