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Mark 16:15 – Proclaim the Good News.
One of the most common things I remind preachers of is the importance of the Good News being good.
While it is true there are some preachers who engage in a syrupy kind of preaching without much substance in the real world that is more akin to cotton candy than it is to sustenance to help someone going through something to make it.
There are many preachers who always….always…and I mean always preach bad news. Certainly there are parts of the Bible that have Bad news in them. But that is not all there is. And these preachers are always telling us about Satan’s plan. If you want to know about how Satan has control of the airwaves…Satan has control of the whole world. They can tell you about it.
But what they can’t tell you is How God is still on the throne. What they can’t tell you is that God is still working for our good. What they can’t tell you is Good News.
And the people feel it. They are beaten down. They are tired. They are sick. They have lost their job. They have a marriage that needs mending. They are in the midst of all kinds of struggles and they come to church, and they hear about being thrown in the furnace, but they don’t hear about a God that took the heat out of the fire.
They hear about Satan’s plan, but they don’t hear about a God who overrules all of the devises of the evil one. Simply put, they don’t hear good news.
This week, go ahead and talk about evil. Its’ in the Bible, but please let your folks know that God is more powerful than Satan. Yes, talk about Sin, but let your folks know that Forgiveness is stronger than my weakness.
In short, please leave your people with the Good news so that they can live the life that God would have them to live in this world.
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