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First Step…
What is the Text Saying…
Sometimes we jump to Commentaries…
Sometimes we jump to dictionaries…
Before we really look at what the text is saying…
There is a moment when you must go look at the history of the text…
Who the author was…and what the author was saying…
Before you do that…
Figure out what is going on in the text…
Who are the players…
What are they doing?
What might be the reasons they are doing what they are doing?
If the Bible book is a letter, then what is the argumentation…
Why the argumentation…
How is it working…
Sometimes folks try to preach a text before they even know what the text says…
Pull out a piece of paper…write what is being said…write it in different language…try to think up stories that illustrate what is being said…
Do this whether you are writing sermons…or even if you are studying a text that you will teach in a Bible Study…
What exactly does the text say? That’s step one…
THEN..and only then….move on to looking at the text from other angles….
But now…fully understand and be able to articulate the text before you ever look at a commentary…
When you look at others steps of the sermonic construction process you will expand your knowledge…of the text…
But fully understanding the text will be a solid foundation upon which you will build solid sermons and Bible Studies for presentation.
Check out my homiletic understanding at
Till Next Time
Brother Sherman
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