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Bad News…
“OK, Cox you talk a lot about Good News…But my text has some bad news in it. Are you saying to ignore that?”
If it is in the text, you can’t just ignore it. But if it is in the text, it serves a purpose. Even the bad news serves a purpose…
“What you talking bout then?”
Glad you asked…
Yep…the text got bad news in it…so you gotta talk about some bad news.
You must have some bad news in your sermons…
Yeah…there is a purpose to it…
There is often Bad news in your text.
Remember when Andre’ Crouch said, “If I never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that God could solve them, I wouldn’t know what faith in God’s word could do…”
Yep, Bad news provides a depth to your sermons and it connects your people to the sermons in a deeper way…
Just don’t specialize in it. Don’t end with it. Don’t leave your folks with only hearing bad news.
See, when you explore the bad news…
You have a chance to connect the realities of bad news in the text to the realities of bad news in our lives.
See “Grandma and dem” have bad news in they life…
Diabetes, job loss, drugs, disconnection from God, etc…
Yep…there is some bad news in our life. And there is bad news in the text as well.
Yep…When we see bad news in the text and you demonstrate that connection to bad news in our lives…
Then we have a strong connection…
So when you drop some good news…
We can see that just like we see our own bad news in the text, we also see…
We anticipate…
We are assured that God’s good news that is in the text also applies to us.
Did you get that or did you miss it?
When I am sure that the bad news in the text is just like the bad news in my life…when you hit me with the good news in the text…
I will see it as connecting to my experience.
So go head and let the bad news in the text be told…
Then drop that good news from the text…
And you know what?
People will be changed.
People will see that the good news applies to their situation.
Praises will happen. It can’t help but happen.
Yep…there is a role for bad news.
You can’t interpret the Bible with integrity if you don’t describe any bad news…
So yeah…you must have bad news…but always…
Yep…always…apply the good news…
OK…how do I find this good news…and bad news?
By interpreting the text with integrity…
Find you an interpretative method…if you haven’t gotten mine yet. Yep, this document is still available and it is still set at you to pay me what you wish to pay me. Check it out here:
See ya tomorrow,
Brother Sherman
P.S. – Thank you to all of you who purchased the system for $1 and then after seeing its value came back and paid more later. I see you and thank you for helping this ministry continue…
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