In my sermon consulting work, sometimes individuals indicate difficulty finding something to “celebrate.” As you know, celebration is the time in the sermon where we intellectually experience the truth of the message….
Author: Sherman Haywood Cox II
How To Analyze A Sermon
I will never forget my first homiletic class where the instructor told us to “analyze a sermon.” I had no idea where to begin and the whole idea seemed difficult. But I…
Saved By The Same Gospel We Preach To Others
One of my pastors used to pray “Lord save us by the same gospel we preach to others.” It is an almost trivial truth, but we need remember that the message we…
Scriptures as Sermon Illustration Resource
Charles Kohler, in his book how to preach without notes, has written on the importance of using the Scripture as an resource for sermon illustrations. On page 45, he he writes, “one…
Pain in Your Preaching
Kirk Byron Jones in his book Jazz of Preaching speaks of Black preaching giving voice to hurt as well as it gives voice to joy. On page 114 he writes: Blues preaching…
Book of the Month December 2010 – What We Love About The Black Church
We are starting a new thing here. This is the SoulPreaching.Com book of the month. We will discuss the book on this page for the rest of the month and make additions…
Growing a Church On “Church Hoppers”
There is a phenomenon entitled “church hopping” that is rampant in many places. Church hoppers are notorious for seeking the next big high in town. They want more entertainment. They want more programs.
Do You Have To Know Greek And Hebrew To Preach Effectively?
I often get the question, “Do you have to know the original languages to preach effective sermons?” Often the question comes either from someone who knows the languages and thinks that if…
The People Need Sound Doctrine
Great preaching has a practical bent. It helps real people deal with real issues that they deal with in real life. Often preachers when confronted with this reality will skimp on the…
Are Preacher’s Merely Hypemen?
A few posts ago, I argued that we cannot trust “shouting” or other outward manifestations of congregational interaction as a valid means of determining if the message was an effective one. It…
Audio 41: What Associate Ministers Want From Their Senior Pastor
We have been talking about supporting an associate minister. This audio however is directed to Senior Pastors. How can Senior Pastors develop and support the associate minister in the church? Elder Cox…
Audio 40: Become A Better Associate Minister
You are an Associate Minister and you want to become a more effective minister of the Gospel? What steps should you take? How can I Support the church, my senior pastor, and…
Finding An Outlet For Your Preaching Ministry
A while back I wrote an article on associate ministry and how we must support the worship service. You can find that link here. After reading some of the results from our…
What If The People Don’t Respond To Your Sermon?
An interesting question regarding how congregation’s celebrate a sermon came in that I want to address. The writer asked: Trying to find help. I’m not an emotional person, but I am an…