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Because this was scheduled at the same time as President Obama’s address, I am going to put this whole seminar on line for a limited time.
In this seminar, I presented some fundamentals of associates in the worship service. There is also a small piece on simple rules for Associate Ministers protocol.
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I could not hear any of the presentation. It started with sound but half-way through the intro, it stopped.
I do have a question, however. How do you know if a text is a preaching text? I have heard some homeliticians say that we need to ensure the text is preachable, how can we ensure this?
Thank you,
Shelia Graves
is the assoc. minister and the Assoc. Pastor considered the same thing?
Is is possible to receive a printed copy of this webinar?
you mean the powerpoint? I probably can dig it up if you want it…
That or a printed version of the webinar power point pages if possible. Very informative, thanks!
How do I print down your power point slides?
You are a great blessing to me. I have learned from your minister protocol that I have been that renagade you talked of in your presentation. I would like more handouts, videos etc on the assoicate ministers role. Is there a certification program that you offer?