Doctrinal Sermons need celebration just like any other kind of sermon. In this audio, Elder Cox speaks of the importance of addressing both the emotive and the intellectual dimensions of humanity in…
Author: Sherman Haywood Cox II
What Are You Celebrating?
Here is an interesting exercise that might help you in your preaching. Take a number of your sermons. Try to find the purpose of each one. Then ask yourself, what is the…
Be You – Don’t Copy
The other day I was listening to a preacher. After about 5 minutes I realized that his presentation style, rate of speech, and sermonic structure were copied from a popular preacher. Even…
Salvation Includes Physical and Mental Liberation
Olin Moyd writes on page 36 of The Sacred Art: Redemption for African Americans meant salvation from states and circumstances as well as salvation from sin, guilt, and the consequence thereof. Redemption…
Killing the Communal Aspects of the Gospel
A while back I wrote a post on how we sometimes domesticate Jesus. He becomes a Jesus who always supports our own causes and defeats other’s causes. As I noted before, it…
Should Women Preach?
The question has come up on many if not most of our web seminars. The question is interesting in my own Soul Preaching ministry in that we are an eclectic mix of…
Preaching When You Dont Feel Like Preaching
How can you preach when you don’t feel like preaching? Someone asked that question a while ago. And this is a very interesting question. Let me first of all say that you…
How To Preach Without Converting Anybody
A pastor friend of mine told me that there are many so called “great” preachers who preach “great” sermons, but their preaching does not seem to have the conversion power only given by the Holy Ghost.
Too many preachers are simply preaching sermons about “God hooking you up.” Their sermons are about what humanity is going to get. It is about the money, jobs, fame, etc that God has for those who are God’s own.
Relevance Through Mindset
To this point we have looked at poor methods of relevance. Now I want to look at a better method. This is where you take the doctrine and show its significance for…
Ignoring Relevance
Another approach to relevance that preachers use is the ignoring relevance approach. Here you don’t even worry about relevance. Instead of telling folks that something is relevant because you must believe it…
“Take it or Leave it” Relevance in Preaching
Another approach to relevance in preaching is to present a “take it or leave it” approach. Here the preacher instead of simply saying the truth is relevant, as in the brute force…
Brute Force Relevance in Preaching
Just because something is true does not mean that it is of utmost importance. An idea must be both “true” and “relevant to the present time” to be worthy of our intense…
How To Connect the Bible World To Today’s World?
Often preachers can make it seem as though the Bible is irrelevant for contemporary needs and society. Part of the problem is that we don’t truly allow the Bible to speak to…
Discovery In Preaching – Show and Then Tell
“Show Don’t Tell” is almost a mantra among many novelists. The cliche’ comes from the idea that you should not tell people things or points in your writing, you should show them….