Sometimes the people shout, the preacher’s reputation as a great one increases, and the house is wrecked but something is slightly missing. The exhiliration of the moment feels good and yet it is noticable. Too often we can easily miss the cross in our messages.
Author: Sherman Haywood Cox II
What Is The Black Preaching Tradition?
I was talking to a Black preacher the other day about great Black preachers and Black preaching. This preacher then began to talk about some of the big media preachers and how he is attempting to emulate their style. This preacher even called one of these media preachers a genius. I asked him what was so appealing about the preacher. He mostly talked about the style of the preacher.
A Gospel Everyone Accepts
Is the gospel you preach acceptable to everyone? It seems as though many of us are working under the asumption that our message will never ruffle any feathers and will always make everyone shout. It will never push us to a higher level of living. This type of Gospel presentation can foster no change, becuase it never even asks for it.
Preaching In Images
One powerful way to think about preaching, especially in this era, is to see the sermon as a series of images. It is set up like a motion picture or a story….
Preaching During Advent
We are well in the season of Advent. It is here that we look at the Coming Kingdom from three angles. First we look at it from the angle of Christ’s first…
Preaching To Your Demographic?
Today we live in an era that attacks the very idea of preaching to everybody. Our “church growth” consultants tell us to tailor our theology, worship, programs, and our community in general…
Let Your Content Shout
Great sermons will have increases in intensity. Especially as you near the end of the sermon, the intensity of the sermon causes the people to really get involved in truth of the Gospel.
What Happened to the Prophets?
I am currently reading the work by Marvin McMickle entitled Where have all the prophets gone? Where have the prophets gone? In the book McMickle looks at 4 trends that have caused the prophetic voice of the prophets to be blunted in the Christian church.
The Bible Teacher’s Great Objective
Bible Teaching is not about simply transferring information. It includes that, but it also includes changing the lives of the people you have been called to teach the Word to. Rick Blackwood,…
Audio 35 – Gospel Ain’t Good News For Everyone
Praise God for the Word of the coming Kingdom of God. This is certainly good news, but is it good news for everyone? Do we betray the radical nature of the coming…
Word Doesn’t Obey Us..We Obey The Word
William Willimon writes: Where we want the gospel to be gracious it is judgmental and where we want it to be judgment, it is gracious. Willimon is simply referring to the truth…
You Need Training – A Basic Program
It is interesting how many budding preachers turn on the television and think that copying the various personalities is effective preaching.  They end up with superficial copies of some preachers. Sometimes they…
One Secret To Preaching Without Notes
When one thinks about preaching without notes, usually they think about memorizing a lot of data. This is not the only way to do it. In fact it is probably the one…
Let the Bible Lead
Some of us are guilty of using the text. We have the idea we want, we find the text that appears to say what we want it to say. And then we…