I want to do a series on how we can preach the truth and yet still end up with a presentation that is unhelpful for the people in front of you. The…
Series: Subtle Errors
No Cross in Preaching
I was talking to a preacher the other day about “cross-less” preaching. This is the kind of preaching that does not have the Cross of Christ in it.
Beating Up the People
“Stop doing this!” “You don’t do that!” These and other statements are often on the lips of preachers who generally berate the people. Here the preacher simply scolds the people for wrongdoing….
Refusing to Serve Dessert
When I talk about whooping or celebration, some preachers take exception to the idea that we should spend time on such things. They argue that we should just get up there and…
Premature Celebration
One of the interesting problems in some preaching is a premature celebration. The people are with the preacher and she or he has the church moving towards a powerful end. But then…
Serving Nothing But Desert
Some preachers only serve desert. They end up “shouting about nothing.” You know the experience. You have gone to church to hear a word from the Lord and you are shouting. The…
Stories not Staying on Point
I preached a sermon where I told a story. It was a rather common story about flying into a city where the wind was blowing strongly. I described the calm above the…
Separation from the People
Another subtle error is when the preacher is disconnected from the people. Here the preacher stands up separated from the people barking orders at those who must obey or else. These pastors…
Theoretical Point
Another very common error is to preach a point without making the practical dimensions of the point clear. Here is when the preacher spends much time defining and describing a point, but…
Imprecise Point
Another error that can creep into our preaching is the imprecise point. This is when your point is not clearly defined or presented. Another way this can creep into our preaching is…
Ignoring the Social Dimensions of the Gospel
The gospel has implications for how we treat others. A vibrant and growing relationship with Jesus Christ will of necessity cause a change in how we treat one another. Simply put, racism,…
How To Title the Black Sermon
Sermon Titling is something that some consider to be irrelevant while others consider it to be very important. Sermons in the Black Preaching Tradition are often known to be titled well. Sometimes a great title will evoke praise or contemplation from the congregation before the sermon even begins. Because of this I have spent a little time thinking about titles. You can find interesting posts on sermon titles on this website here.
Cotton Candy Sermons?
Is your preaching substantive? Does your preaching foster transformation? In an old post on the Preaching Today Blog that is no longer available. The TheoCentric Preaching Blog quotes an old Preaching Today…