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Supercharge Your Sermons With The Fundamentals of the African American Preaching Tradition that will Improve Your Connections With The People and Increase The Sermon Staying Power
After obtaining an M.Div, preaching for over 30 years, and over ten years of writing articles about preaching we’re proud to share our free ebook containing the 7 Steps to An Effective Sermon.
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Many preachers have used the resources in the manual and the website to take their preaching to the next level. Follow the simple instructions to improve your preaching.
Over 700K Visitors
Since our start in August 2006 we have had over 700 thousand visitors and over 3 million page views. In addition over 400 people have attended our preaching course.
My teaching methods are derived from studying at a world class seminary (Vanderbilt Divinity School) as well as my experience of over 30 years preaching.
Check out our latest updates:
If You Ain’t Saying Nothing, Why Are You Preaching?How many times have you got in the pulpit and weren’t saying anything worth hearing? Somebody said, “There are two[…]Read More Don’t Lie In the PulpitYou know what.. There is a great temptation to… Lie in the pulpit… I know you ain’t hearing that…your piety[…]Read More Why You Are Not ImprovingWhy are you not improving? OK… That’s a bit presumptuous… The fact is that if you doing it regularly…you probably[…]Read More Seeing Through The FogI was driving on a country road in some dense fog early one morning. But I still couldn’t see very[…]Read More Preaching The “But If Not Faith”What do you do? You don’t feel like preaching… You always had a word to say when it is somebody[…]Read More Preaching is for RealPreaching is for real… People are going through stuff… Real Stuff… Hard Stuff… And they come… Sister Betty just got[…]Read More
About the Author
Soul Preaching is designed to use the African American Preaching Tradition to help you preach. The Soul Preaching journey started in 2006, when I desired to make the tools that I was learning in seminary accessible to my preaching sisters and brothers who due to financial, time, or educational background constraints could not go to seminary. Over time, I found that even those who had been to seminary and/or Bible School have learned from the site. Now you can see what others have seen by taking your sermons to the next level.
Elder Sherman Cox, M.S., M.Div
Founder and Director, SoulPreaching.Com
Nashville, Tennessee
Soul Preaching is a wonderful resource for all preachers along the gospel continuum. As an associate I used this godsend site to keep a pulse on the art if preaching and as a textbook to hone better sermons. Now as a Senior Pastor I utilize the site to help cultivate the ministers in my care to be preachers for the present age, and it still helps aide me in sermon preparation, and keeps me a feast of what’s new to read in the field.
Rev. Napoleon Harris, M.Ed, M.Div
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of South Inglewood
Nashville, Tennessee
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and connect with some beautiful minds. SoulPreaching teaches expository preaching and helps you to discover exegetical insight in scripture. It whets your appetite for further discovery and it’s a springboard for me to broaden my scope in my own preaching method, style and approach.
Minister Tonia Gathers
Associate Minister
Charlotte, North Carolina
Great fellowship in the Facebook group. Great insight in the articles. Great sermon preparation strategies. In my Tony Tiger voice Grreeeaattt!!!!
Pastor Daniel Thomas
Senior Pastor, Rockport Church of God
Rockport, Texas
The Super Charge Your Sermon course, took me to a new height in preaching. Following the exegetical methods allows me to preach with confidence and with power.
Elder Norman L. Hodge, Jr
Diocese Union Director, Church of Christ Written in Heaven
Homestead, Florida
” and the Supercharge your Sermons program have blessed my ministry in more ways than one! It came at a time when I felt that I needed some good direction in the preaching process. The process that was given was fruitful and easy to follow. I still use the process today. Thank God for Bro. Cox and
Rev. Jeffery D. Caudle
Associate Minister at Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church
Montgomery, Alabama
SoulPreaching has been a tremendous blessing. The sharing of information. The encouragement and critical thinking and suggestions. The exercises to help us through the sermon process, preparation, and presentation. Thank you for the blessing of your time, preparation, and caring for your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Rev. Karen Swain-Crummie
Associate Minister
Detroit, Michigan
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