Peter Mead, at Biblical Preaching.Net, gives two options for turning a text into a half hour sermon in this article. Mead provides two options. The first is to carefully plan how to drive the main point into your people. This would include tactically deciding how you will present the idea. Mead succinctly summarizes this option as follows:
Something Within Me
Something within me that holdeth the reins.
Something within me that banishes pain;
Something within me I can’t explain,
All that I know, there is something within me.
We often think of the Christian life in terms of what God will give us materially. We hear preachers speak of food on the table and a house and a job. We hear about how God will make you successful on your job or take you to the correct job if you lose that one.
I Shall Not Be Moved
I shall not be, I shall not be moved
I shall not be, I shall not be moved
Just like a tree, Planted by the waters
I shall not be moved.
Sometimes the sick think of the blessing of God as a cure. Other times the one who has suffered job loss may see the blessing of God as getting that job back or finding a new one. In these cases the blessing is a reversal of fortunes. The blessing is God taking the problem and eliminating it.
Preach on Your Feet – Another Method to Notes Free Preaching
About a year and a half ago I posted an article about the preaching methodology of Rev. Mark T. Davis of the First Presbyterian Church in Boise Idaho.
Immersion in the Text
Telling the Truth about the Bailout
Preachers are called to tell the truth. In this respect they are in the line of the Biblical prophets who had to tell truth to power. They had to say, like Nathan, thou art the man.
Bailout of the Super-Rich
The Associate Should Help – Supporting the Service
I attended a worship service where an associate minister was given an assignment. However, instead of attempting to support the worship service, the associate attempted to shine the light on himself while…
Preaching from the Character’s Perspective
In Celebration and Experience in Preaching Henry Mitchell provides various sermon types. These help the preacher either categorize or simply think about how to structure a sermon.
Preaching Without Notes E-Book
Preach without Notes!!!
Many believe that notes hinder communication.
Do you want to learn how to preach without using notes?”
Imagine preaching more effective sermons that allow you to actually look at your people rather than your manuscript. You can do this and this book will help you.
Prophetic Preaching or Praise?
Dr. McMickle discusses “praise” as the next reason why prophetic preaching has not been on the agenda of most preachers. Whether it is preaching conferences, journals, magazines, and church services, we are constantly given this call to praise. McMickle writes:
Prophet or Patriot?
Dr. McMickle continues helping modern preachers by forcing us to ask ourselves the question: “Am I a patriot or a prophet?” A preacher cannot be both. A patriot is one who equates the policies of a political party with the voice of God.
Steps to Learning to Whoop
Many people contact me wanting a step by step method to learn to whoop, here is the outline of a method.
1. Listen to Other Whoopers
Where are the Prophets? – Truncating the Prophetic Message
I am currently reading the important work by Marvin McMickle entitled Where Have all the Prophets Gone? In the book McMickle looks at 4 trends that have caused the prophetic voice of the prophets to be blunted in the Christian church.
The Preacher’s Bookshelf – A Bible Dictionary
When you are preaching the Gospel, you need various tools to help you understand the Biblical text. As noted in other places on this site and others, you should never begin your preparation looking at these tools, however, you should always ensure that your preaching is in line with what is truth.
How to Prepare – Conclusion
My Sister and Brother preachers, preparation will help the preacher weather the storm of standing behind the sacred desk. It is our hope that this series of simple suggestions lifts your spirits and increases your confidence. Reverend Harris and Elder Cox believe that these suggestions will help you be heard.