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“I am having a hard time finding something to celebrate.” Someone asked…
If you can’t find what to celebrate in your sermon, then the first thing you need to ask yourself is “Where is the good news?”
If you only have a diatribe of attacks against your people. Then where is the good news?
If you only have a lecture that feeds the mind with interesting information…then where is the good news?
If you only have tripe shallow platitudes and cliche’s attempting to get somebody to shout…Then where is the good news?
If you only have punishment…then where is the good news?
There is a time to inform…but where was good news?
There is a time to speak about the ethical demands of the gospel on our lives…but did you also preach good news?
OK Cox…what are you talking bout now?
What I am saying is merely informing people that they are going to hell ain’t enough…
What I am saying is merely telling folks about the color of the Jordan River isn’t enough.
What I am saying is find IN THAT TEXT the good news that God placed there that will be that balm in Gilead that will make the wounded whole.
What I am saying is find IN THAT TEXT the good news that I may have been lost…but now I am found…
What I am saying is find IN THAT TEXT hope for the hopeless and strength for the weak…
What I am saying is find IN THAT TEXT what God is saying to us right here and right now.
Go head and preach good news…
And the people will be equipped to live another weak of life in a world that is not their home…
Go head and preach it my sisters and brothers…
Till tomorrow…
Sherman Cox
You want to learn how to do this? Head on over and check out my homiletic method at
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