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Preachers are involved in the political process, so why do you spend so little time talking bout it? Who do you think we should vote for as Christians?
Someone asked that…
OK…buckle up your seat belts…
Some of yall might unsubscribe after I tell you this, but God’s candidate is…
Naw, I ain’t gonna do that.
See my sisters and brothers…God ain’t running for president…
God ain’t tied to your political party…
God don’t ride a Democratic Donkey or a Republican Elephant…
God got problems and issues with your party…and your candidate…
If you are honest with yourself you will acknowledge that you don’t even agree with your candidate 100% of the time.
We all got issues…
What is problematic is when we try to say that our faulty candidate is “God’s candidate.”
He or she ain’t…
The Kingdom of God ain’t the United States…
And it shouldn’t be…
We need to praise God that this is not a theocracy..
Cause guess what…If Christian law was the law of the land…the next question would be “which Christianity?”
Yes choose a candidate…
Yes…do what you feel God told you to do..
But don’t tell me your candidate is God’s candidate…and my candidate is the devil’s candidate…
Christian folks have been on the right side and the wrong side of many issues through the history of the country….
From the abolitionists who used the Bible…to the slaveholders who used the same Bible…
From the folks who supported the massacre of the native peoples who used the Bible to support manifest destiny…
To the folks who used the Bible to protest such a mindset..
From the folks who use the Bible to subjugate women…
To the folks who use the Bible to teach the opposite…
I ain’t saying your Christianity shouldn’t inform your voting. I vote for candidates that at least attempt to stand with the “least of these.” That is my Christianity coming through…
But…I don’t make the step of saying that if you are a good Christian you would vote for my candidate.
I do acknowledge however, here are some candidates that are deeply problematic for me…but this institution ain’t gonna endorse any candidate…
So…no…SoulPreaching doesn’t endorse candidates.
I do encourage you all to exercise the right that was purchased with the blood of many to go on out and vote…
Till Tomorrow…
Brother Sherman
P.S. – See my homiletic at
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