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SoulPreaching.Com was launched on September 1, 2006. Since that time we have had a number of articles and audios on preaching. In addition, we have provided a free ebook that taught the reader how to create an effective sermon in the African American tradition. We now have over 400 articles on preaching.
A few months ago we kicked off the newsletter and it has been well received, however some wonder what are the benefits?
Well here are the current benefits:
- The newsletter is delivered once a week most of the time on Monday Morning you will receive an email to encourage you in the preaching task.
- Links to important websites that may or may not be on the main SoulPreaching site.
- Articles that have not appeared in SoulPreaching.Com or have been expanded for the newsletter. For example we had an article on how to use another person’s sermon. We also had an issue where we examined the Jeremiah Wright issue. And finally we had an article entitled “Learning to Whoop” that was only available to email subscribers.
- Links to important posts in the past. In the last couple of issues we have had a theme where we linked to posts on “whooping” and on “preaching without notes.” Here you can learn about some articles that are on SoulPreaching.Com that you may not have read.
What are some of the future benefits?
- Discounts on merchandise. We are very close to releasing some Audio-Book training systems and all email subscribers will learn about the programs first and also receive special discounts.
- Sermons and Outlines.
- Other important benefits that will help you to preach.
All of this is available to the SoulPreaching newsletter subscribers. Please subscribe to the list at the bottom of this post.
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