William Willimon writes in The Intrusive Word:
Preaching Both Sides
Olin Moyd, in The Sacred Art: Preaching and Theology in the African American Tradition writes:
Exegeting a Text of Scripture – The Four Waves
Subscribers to the SoulPreacher have already received this article in the 31st edition of the Soul Preacher email magazine. In addition, those who have attended our second web seminars have seen the expansion of this concept. However, everyone else can now learn from this very powerful way of looking at exegesis of the text for preaching.
Preaching in the Black Tradition
Preaching in the Black Tradition – A downloadable report that describes the dimensions of preachin in the Black tradition.
Interpreting a Text for Preaching – Web Seminar
Here is our second WebSeminar. How to exegete a text for preaching. You can download the powerpoint at this link.
How Many Sermons Do You Really Preach?
Over at the Biblical Preaching website there is an interesting question. “Are there really only three scriptures in the Bible?” He notes that if you listen to most of the sermons presented by preachers you will see a limited number of sermons. The outlines are as follows:
- Jesus died for your sins, repent and believe, when you die you’ll go to heaven
- Read the Bible more, pray more, evangelize more
- Have more faith, be more obedient.
Breaking the Theology Down for the People
Olin Moyd, in The Sacred Art: Preaching and Theology in the African American Tradition wrote:
Do Your Sermons Elevate Your People?
I was reading Pastoral Theology: A Black Church Perspective by James H. Harris. In that book he writes:
Sword of Gideon and the Lord – Who is in the Pulpit?
There is an interesting discussion in our new forum about whether it is right to attempt to emulate another preacher when learning how to preach. You can join the conversation and read what was written here: http://shermancox.wpengine.com/emulatepreachers.
One writer stated the following common thing:
You do the work, God will bring the inspiration it is not you who should be in the pulpit but THE PREACHER Jesus by way of the Holy Spirit, you need to get out of the way and let God have God’s way.
What Preachers do you Listen to?
Who are your favorite preachers? Do you attempt to emulate them in the pulpit?
How Do You Begin Your Preparation?
How do you find Bible texts to preach? Do you have a sermonic calendar? How do you plan your sermons?
Do You Practice Style?
How many of you actually practice stylistic aspects of your message? Do you think that practice is something you should even do? Should all of our preparation time be spent in sermon construction?
Preaching True to Bible and Related to the People
My biggest concern as it relates to my preaching style is how can I open up the truth(s) of the scripture all the while keeping it current and up to date… Any way you can assist me there will be great…
I just received your very good question that really zeros in on the question of
“relevance.” I would suggest that you first of all see “application” as a part of the exegetical process. We are about to have a free web seminar on exegesis in the middle of May. However, I do have a few important things to keep in mind to help you with “relevance.”