The Expository Thoughts Blog has a post up on Sermon Evaluation. He asked for the thoughts of his readers. I am in an evaluation class right now so it is sure to change, but here is mine now.
Month: February 2007
Acts 1:12-26 – Justus was there
Acts 1:12-26
Two individuals were chosen by the group as possible replacements for Judas. One Matthias and the other Justus. Both Matthias and Justus were only mentioned in the Bible in this one place, but they stood with Jesus and followed for the whole time. We know that they both were true followers. They had been with the movement from the baptism of John through the great difficulties of the death and resurrection.
Psalm 2 – Why Do the Nations Conspire?
Psalm 2
Why do the nations Conspire against the Lord and The Lord’s Annointed? This question has got to be a rhetorical question. Why do they conspire? They conspire because they are wicked. They conspire because they do not like what God is doing in the world. They conspire because God is threatening their hold on the world.
Yes the nations conspire against the Lord and our scripture tells us that God is going to set up God’s annointed to bring down these powers. Then the Psalm turns to these leaders and appeals to them, stand with God or be destroyed.
Matt 1:1-17 – Bible Reading Notes
Matt 1:1-17
This is a geneology of Jesus Christ. What is of interest to me is that most geneologies in the Bible do not include women at all. However this one does include women. Why the difference here?
Why Include Women?
Celebrating the Black Preaching Tradition
The Most Vibrant Preaching Tradition in the world is arguably the Black Preaching Tradition. What has created the Black Preacher and What are the components of Black Sermons? Those are the questions that we delve into on this site. On this site you can expect to find a daily updating WebLog,
sermons, and homiletic training in the Black tradition.
Matthew 2:1-12 – Where is the King?
Matthew 2:1-12
Here you are sitting in your seat of power that you have worked so hard and deligently to get and out of nowhere some outsiders come up to you and ask where is the new leader? Where is the one who is to take your position? Where is the King?