You want a quick way to put together a sermon? Someone asked that I repost this…so here it is… You give THREE ANSWERS TO ONE QUESTION. This is an easy way to…
Author: Sherman Haywood Cox II
How To Use An Outline
We did this series about a year and a half ago…so I thought you might want to see it again… This question comes in periodically… “How do you use a sermon outline?”…
Great Sermons Require Struggle
He was alone at night… And a man showed up… There was a battle… An epic wrestling match as the man tried to leave and the other just wouldn’t let him go……
Don’t Get Mad…Prepare
Ok…Imma be a little rough today… This is for my readers who are not senior pastors… OK…I hear it all the time… I been called to preach… But my pastor won’t let…
Transformative Preaching
I had to work very late. It was 1:30am. Yep, 1:30 am. For a guy in his late-40s, that meant two things. I was going to be sleep walking that day. and…
You Must Refine Your Homiletic
Why are you not improving? OK… That’s a bit presumptuous… The fact is that if you doing it regularly…you probably are improving… But… Are you improving as much as you should? You…
Bible Scholar or Preacher…Which is More Difficult?
What is more difficult? Being a preacher or a Bible Scholar? Which do you think is harder? Which takes more work?
Reading The Text Through The Fog
I was driving on a country road in some dense fog early one morning. I had on my head lights… But I still couldn’t see very far in front of me… But…
Preach Too Long?
Thou Shalt Not Preach Too Long. Yeah….you don’t believe me… Yeah…you mad at me… Yeah…you say God told you to preach 4 hours and you gonna follow God… OK…that’s cool… But you…
Are You Ready?
Are you ready? You know what I’m talking bout… You should always have a sermon ready to preach. “Hey Doc, I’m gonna put you on the program.” Years ago one of my…
Inspiration is Coming
Are you Ready for Inspiration? You know what? The best sermonic ideas are not when you are sitting down trying to come up with them… Yes you should study… Yes you should…
Evaluate a Sermon Outline Part 1
What up preachers… You ready to preach this weekend? I hope you are putting the finishing touches on your sermon and not just now starting… At any rate, let’s get on beginning…
Where is Your Church?
Charleston SC is certainly a wake up call to the nation… We see Neo-Nazis and member of the KKK and other white nationalist groups seeking to reclaim their supremacy from what they…
Preach Like They Sang
I love listening to the songs of the Freedom Movement… You know where they followed the African American Slaves and took songs from the past and altered them to speak to them…