OK, maybe you will, but the law of averages tells us that the vast majority of the people reading this website will not have a mega church. You will, probably never preside over 3-5K parishioners who hang on your every word. But that’s all right.
Category: General
Do You Know When To Shut Up?
Preachers are called to give a word in season and out of season. Sometimes that word will upset the hearer. Sometimes we are called to speak a word that the hearer doesn’t…
Help Haiti
We all have seen the pain and destruction. We are told that when all is said and done we will have many fatalities and much need. That is where we as Christian preachers must step in.
A Helpful Website for Preachers and Bible Teachers
A little while ago Dr. Robert E. Baines, Jr sent me a message about his website that will help preachers and Bible teachers. I asked him to write an article that would…
Looking Back at 2009 and Plans for 2010
Let us look back at 2009. What did we accomplish? We did a number of new things in 2009. I think we have taken a strong step towards being more than a…
Living Into A New Year
I have heard many reflections on the rapidly closing year. Some have said it was a groundbreaking year in which they praise God. Others are happy that what they feel was a…
Preaching During Advent
We are well in the season of Advent. It is here that we look at the Coming Kingdom from three angles. First we look at it from the angle of Christ’s first…
What Happened to the Prophets?
I am currently reading the work by Marvin McMickle entitled Where have all the prophets gone? Where have the prophets gone? In the book McMickle looks at 4 trends that have caused the prophetic voice of the prophets to be blunted in the Christian church.
Word Doesn’t Obey Us..We Obey The Word
William Willimon writes: Where we want the gospel to be gracious it is judgmental and where we want it to be judgment, it is gracious. Willimon is simply referring to the truth…
You Need Training – A Basic Program
It is interesting how many budding preachers turn on the television and think that copying the various personalities is effective preaching.  They end up with superficial copies of some preachers. Sometimes they…
It Ain’t Fair!
We as preachers are often tempted to preach a 30 minute sit-com message. In those messages the great mysterious and sometimes surprising God is reduced to a simple understandable and always known…
Agreement or Conversion? To What End is Our Preaching?
Are we attempting to bring agreement between the Gospel and those to whom we are preaching? Are we seeking to have people understand and state that what we are saying is valuable and even true? Or are we seeking for something more substantial? Or are we seeking, by the power of the Spirit, to actually change something?
How One Sermon Was Remembered
I was talking to a laymember the other day who was very excited about a sermon he had heard. The member gave me all four of the points of the sermon and…
Will The Preacher Shut Up?
H. Beecher Hicks, in Preaching Through the Storm, writes about three things that attempt to force the preacher into being quiet when they need to speak. Are you being silenced? The first…