Here is a book that articulates Post Liberalism’s problems with a lot of the popular narrative homiletics.
Category: Homiletic Theory
Unleashing the Power of Exegetical Preaching
Here is a transcription of Dr. King’s notes that he took in a introduction to preaching course. If you are looking for religious information on the web you can not do any better than going to the Wabash Center. They have a list of Preaching Related links as well as a list of Preaching Syllabi that is regularly updated. What is the New Homiletic and how has it affected homiletics? This book by Fred Craddock is often referred to as the book that started a big change to the homiletic horizon. As I read it today many things sound almost axiomatic due to the strong influence of the work. Dr. Tim Sensing of Abilene Christian University has compiled an annotated bibliography for preachers that you can obtain at this link. Here is an Audio lecture on Black Preaching by Cleophas LaRue, Professor at Princeton Divinity School What is the role of authenticity in preaching? Should it equate to authority? Why or Why not? Here are 4 things preachers should keep in mind when discussing the term authenticity What is prophetic preaching? Zach Mills, one of my collegues in the Modern Homiletics Theory course, summarized prophetic preaching as: [P]reaching that creatively speaks-on behalf of others-of the injustices and inadequacies of the present and the hopeful possibilities of the future. While studying for a class in Modern Homiletic Theory I came across these two important terms. The terms of interest to me now are the comparison between Kerygma and Didache in preaching. Often didache is seen as the “ethical instruction” in preaching. Kerygma’s purpose is seen as making new converts. Here we see a difference in purpose. Didache is for the converts and Kerygma is for the outsiders. At this link you will find a book summary to Marvin McMickle’s book entitled
Notes on Preaching from Martin Luther King
Felt Needs Preaching?
Albert Mohler has an interesting article on Preaching to Felt Needs.
Wabash Center Guide to Internet Resources
Review: As One Without Authority
Annotated Bibliography for Preaching
Dr. Cleophas LaRue Black Preaching Lecture
Authenticity and Preaching
Prophetic Preaching
Kerygma and Didache